cindi walton

“I took my first art class when I was thirty years old. I walked into the local art store clutching my supply list with stars in my eyes. The owner, seeing I was a student, asked if he could help. I smiled and said, “Yes, as soon as I touch every single thing in this store.”

Since then, I have graduated with a Bachelors in Fine Arts from Boise State and have started a design business for a line of Christmas cards. My compositions and illustrations usually begin with a piece of charcoal or a good ole’ sharpened pencil, finishing off with watercolor, gouache, or acrylic. I also have some experience with digital mediums – I tend to use whatever medium the project or idea calls for.

In 2019, I became the Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust’s first ever Artist in Residence. That summer I spent countless hours hiking through the sagebrush steppe on conservation easement and fee-title properties, getting to know the landscape and all of its inhabitants. During my service, I became especially entranced with the birds of southeastern Idaho and have created a body of work featuring raptors and other birds who make this landscape their home.

I hope my artwork introduces these birds and the landscape to the community, and that they become as entranced and inspired by this vast land as I am.”

 (208) 867-4629